Hello genks, Thank you still being a loyal reader of my blog. My activity on the second day of the week is a follow-up activity from the previous day. Today I arrived a little earlier than usual, because we had to prepare and set up morning tea at the rector's building.

What we prepared first is making hot water for coffee and tea, then reheating some of our menus that were made yesterday, such as Croissants and abon bread.

Next, we finish some traditional cakes and cakes. then we prepared a place in the rector's building, then arranged our morning tea menus, around 7:45 a.m. we were finished set up at the rectorate building.

Then we wait until 9:30 am to start the morning tea guests from several hotels participating in our campus jobfair event.

Around 11:30 a.m. our morning tea menu was up, so we started cleaning the place we set up and brought back some of the tools we used to the kitchen.

After everything is finished. we started helping our friends to complete the coffee break box menu for tomorrow. I helped make Lemper.

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