Sejarah Sandwich

Sejak awal penciptaannya, roti telah dimakan dengan makanan lain. Sejarah mencatat orang bijak Yahudi kuno, Hillel, yang menyuruh untuk membungkus daging domba di antara 2 potong roti selama perayaan Paskah. Konsep sandwich diperbarui di abad pertengahan, yaitu lempengan tebal kasar dan biasanya roti basi, yang disebut trenchers, yang digunakan sebagai piring. Karena sudah basi, trencher tidak dimakan, biasanya diberikan kepada pengemis atau anjing. Trencher inilah cikal bakal open sandwich.

Nama sandwich sendiri baru ditemukan pada abad ke  18 secara tidak sengaja oleh bangsawan Inggris, John Montagu, seorang Earl of Sandwich IV. Montagu sangat suka bermain kartu sehingga tidak memiliki waktu untuk makan. Ia menyuruh pelayannya untuk membawakan daging sapi yang disajikan di antara 2 potong roti, sehingga ia bisa makan sambil tetap bermain kartu. Pesanan ini diikuti oleh teman-temannnya, mereka memesan, Yang sama seperti Sandwich.

Sandwich adalah hidangan yang terbuat dari 1  2  potong roti tawar atau lebih dengan diisi dengan sayuran segar dan lauk pauk dari hewani.

Fungsi dari sandwich ialah dapat menggantikan breakfast atau lunch yang memenuhi zat gizi yang dibutuhkan dan dikenal juga sebagai food inside atau food edible casing.

A. Jenis sandwich :
  • sandwich panas
  • sandwich dingin ( cold sandwich )
    Macam  macam bentuk sandwich :
  1. Simple sandwich/double sandwich
  2. Open sandwich ialah sandwich yang terbuat dari satu helai roti yang diberi isi   dan berbentuk terbuka
  3. Fancy sandwich ialah sandwich yang dibuat dalam bentuk tertentu
  4. Rolled/pinwell sandwich ialah sandwich yang berbentuk dalam gulungan besar
  5. yang diiris melintang
  6. Club sandwich ialah sandwich yang terdiri dari tiga/empat helai roti yang      diberi isi  atau disebut juga dengan sandwich bertingkat)

B. Komposisi  sandwich :

1. Bread ( roti )
          Guna roti pada sandwich untuk menempatkan isi yang bermacam-macam. Roti yang dapat digunakan banyak sekali macamnya, variasi dapat berupa warna, bentuk dan rasa, dan ini sangat menentukan mutu/nilai sandwich.

Ciri-ciri roti :
Membutuhkan jaringan halus dan lembut
Jaringan cukup kuat agar dapat dioles dengan baik

Jenis roti yang dipergunakan :
  • white roti ( roti sandwich )
  • whole wheat bread ( roti sekam )
  • croissant
  • bun ( roti untuk hot dog atau hamburger )

2. Spread ( pengoles )
          Pengoles atau pelembut roti berfungsi sebagai bahan perekat antara roti dan isi,  menjaga roti agar tetap lembut, menambah rasa gurih, dan melembabkan roti.

Ciri-ciri dan fungsi bahan pengoles :

  • butter : harus cukup lunak untuk mengoles sehingga tidak
  •   merusak permukaan roti
  • margarine : dapat dipakai sebagai pengganti butter
  • krim keju : membuat roti basah dan terlindungi
  • mayonnaise : sering digunakan sebagai saus salad, tetapi juga dapat dipakai sebagai bahan pengoles sandwich/canapé

3. Filling ( isi )
          Macam-macam makanan dapat diisikan ke dalam sandwich dengan bermacam-macam bentuk dan rasa, biasanya dibuat dari :

  • macam-macam hasil olah daging, seperti smoked beef, steak, corned, sosis, salami
  • hasil olah unggas
  • ikan dan hasil olahnya
  • keju dan hasil olah susu lainnya
  • macam-macam sayuran segar dan renyah dan biasanya dikombinasikan sesuai dengan isi lainnya
  • lain-lain seperti peanut butter, jelly, telur rebus

Canapé ialah salah satu jenis open face sandwich  yang termasuk makanan pembuka dingin, dengan ukuran dan bentuk kecil yang menarik dan dikenal dengan bite size atau satu kali suap atau gigit.

Canapé dapat dibuat bervariasi hal ini dapat terlihat dalam pengaturan tata letak susunan canapé, yang terdiri dari :

  1. Dasar canapé
  2. Bahan pengoles atau isi untuk toping
  3. Bentuk potongan
  4. Hiasan/garnish


Fungsi canapé ialah untuk makanan pembuka atau pelengkap dari hors doeuvre varie.


Komposisi canapé terdiri dari :

  1. Dasar canapé biasanya dapat dibuat dari roti yang dibentuk, biscuit atau toast.
  2. Pengoles canapé ialah butter, margarine, mayonnaise dan cream cheese. Fungsinya untuk merekatkan isi dan menambah rasa serta nilai gizi yang tinggi. Bentuk pengoles yang baik harus agak lunak dan tidak mudah berair
  3. Topping canapé adalah makanan yang disusun di atas roti yang sudah dioles, antara lain :
  1. keju yang dipotong atau diparut
  2. telur direbus, dipotong atau dicincang
  3. ikan sardines, smoked beef dan udang rebus
  4. hasil olah daging dan unggas
  5. macam-macam sayuran dan buah.
  6. Biasanya toping yang digunakan menjadi nama canape tersebut, misalnya : cheese canapé, shrimp canapé

4. Garnish/hiasan
Garnish pada canapé dapat dibuat dari kombinasi pengaturan toping yang berwarna-warni atau ditambah bahan lainnya sebagai garnish

Source :
Hello, today the last day i am practice on the week. I have job to made Appetizer from Indonesian Buffet.

For the menu of indonesian buffet these days that is :


Recipe to Make Lawar udang :
Ingredient :
Shrimp [300 gr]
Greated coconut [500 gr]
Vinegar [100 ml]
Chop Garlic [150 gr]
Pepper [20 gr]
Salt [5 gr]
Sugar [10 gr]

Procedure :

  • Peeled the shrimp skin, washed it clean.
  • Blanced shrimp until cooked, lift and set aside
  • Roasted greated coconut until slightly burned
  • Mix shrimp, greated coconut, Chop garlic, sugar and vinegar in a bowl until mix well
  • Seasoned with salt & pepper.

Recipe to make Peco Doang :

Ingredient :
Cassava [1 kg]
Prawn [500 gr]
Cherry tomato [250 gr]
Lime [4 tbsp]
Red chilli [60 gr]
Bird eye chili [4-7 pcs]
Candle nut [80 gr]
Salt [As needed]

Procedure :

  • Peeled the shrimp skin, washed it clean and blanced
  • Peeled Cassava, cut into diced, washed with clean water, and blanced
  • Roasted greated coconut until slightly burned
  • To make the spice blend, combine all ingredient in a stonemortar and grind into a fine paste
  • Combine all ingrdient in a bowl. Season to taste with salt.

After My appetizer is ready to serve, i help my friend to make Rice. 
After that, at 11.00 pm, we are plating all dish and than serving to restaurant.

1. Proofing Mechine
It's made of Stainless steel, the funchion for Proofing Bread, it's can clean with wet napkin.

2. Deep Frying Mechine
It's made of Stainless Steel, the funchion for Frying food with many oil, It's can clean with wet napkin.

3. Chiller
It's made of Stainless steel with glass, the funchion for storing Ingredient, it's can clean with wet napkin.
Kenapa Adonan disimpan di chiller?

Sebuah adonan yang telah dibuat dan telah di proofing sebaiknya langsung di Bake, namun jika ingin menyimpannya terlebih dahulu adonan tersebut harus di bungkus dengan plastik kedap udara, kemudian disimpan didalam chiller.

Udara sejuk pada Chiller akan membantu menstabilkan kondisi adonan, sehingga tekstur dan cita rasa adonan tidak akan nerubah setelah di bake.

Adonan yang telah dikeluarkan dari chiller sebelum di bake adonan harus di bentuk kembali dan di proofing pada suhu ruangan.
1. Lamination merupakan proses penyiaipan lemak dengan menggunakan teknik lipatan dimana adonan di roll menggunakan rolling pin sehingga membuat adonan sedikit lebar lalu disisipkan lemak baru kemudian dilipat dan di roll kembali dan dipipihkan, metode ini biasanya digunakan pada pembuatan puff pastry, danish dan Croissant.

2. Basting merupakan proses penyisipan lemak pada bahan makanan dengan cara mengolesi minyak atau lemak pada bahan makanan tersebut.

1. Breaded American style merupakan proses melapisi bahan makanan misalnya ikan, ayam dan udang dengan menggunakan tepung, telur dan bread crumb dengan cara bahan makanan tersebut dicelupkan terlebih dahulu ke dalam tepung kemudian telur lalu bread crumb.

2. Breaded France Style merupakan proses pelapisan bahan makanan dengan menggunakan Telur terlebih dahulu kemudian tepung.

3. Breaded English Style merupakan proses melapisi bahan makanan denga. Tepung.

Glaze or Glace adalah kaldu coklat (Brown stock) yang dipanaskan terus sampai menjadi agak kental "gelatinous form", ukuran kekentalannya adalah bila sudah bisa menempel pada punggung sendok "coats the back of a spoon". Biasanya dari 1 liter brown stock hanya didapat 1/4 liter meat Glace. Dari proses yang sama untuk stock yang lain diperoleh :
1. Veal Glace
2. Chicken Glace
3. Fish Glace


Potongan delice adalah  potongan fillet utuh panjang, kemudian disimpul menjadi bulatan atau dilipat.

Caranya :
Pertama – tama fillet flat fish. Lalu bagi menjadi dua bagian. Setelah itu, ikan yg sudah d fillet di bentuk seperti pita atau simpul bisa juga menjadi bulatan atau dilipat.


Daging fillet tipis, diisi lalu digulung. Disebut juga rolled fish.

Caranya :

Ikan di fillet terlebih dahulu, setelah menjadi 2 bagian letakkan daging ikan di cutting board. Setelah itu beri isiian diatas daging, kemudian fillet ikan digulung.


Daging ikan fillet yang dipotong serong memanjang.

Caranya :
Fillet daging ikan diletakkan diatas cutting board, lalu iris atau potong serong memanjang. Panjang potongan lebih kurang 6-8 cm dengan tebal 0,5-1 cm.


Potongan ikan yang dipotong bulat utuh.

Caranya :
Potongan ikan troncom adalah potongan ikan yang dipotong dari ikan yang berbentuk pipih (flat fish), potongan berbentuk bulat utuh. Potongan ikan ini langsung dipotong bulat utuh disertai durinya juga.

Potongan ikan yang diiris miring dari fillet ikan , supreme biasanya dipotong dari ikan yang bertubuh bulat besar.

Caranya :
Ikan di fillet tanpa di bagi menjadi dua. Sehingga menjadi fillet ikan yang cukup besar. Lalu iris miring fillet ikan tersebut.

Potongan ikan yang dipotong melintang , dari ikan yang bertubuh bulat . potongan darne ini bulat utuh.

Caranya :

Ikan yang berbentuk bulat diletakkan diatas cutting board. Lalu belah utuh ikan tersebut disertai durinya. Potong menjadi 3 bagian. Potongan tipis, potongan tebal, potongan bagian ekor.

Sumber :


  1. Wing : yaitu potongan sayap ayam yang biasanya paling cocok untuk membuat masakan fast food, ayam bakar dan lain lain
  2. Drumstick : yaitu potonfan bagian paha,biasanya ini paling cocok untuk membuat masakan fast food ,ayam bakar,dll
  3. Thigh : yaitu jenis potongan ayam yang digunakan untuk membuat olahan dngn menggunakan cairan lebih banyak seperti stuffing dan braising
  4. Breast : yaitu potongan dada yang dibelah menjadi 2 ,tanpa sayap
  5. Whole : yaitu potongan dada ayam utuh yg telah dipotong scr memanjang ,yang menghadilkan 2bagian. Terdapat bagian yg ada tulang ,tanpa tulang. Ada bagian ada kulit,dan tanpa kulit
  6. Leg :  yaitu bagian kaki ayam yg terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu thigh dan drumstick
  7. Leg quarters : ini adalah potobgan ayam yang dipotong menkadi 4 bagian(thigh,drumstick,dan sebagian dr bagian belakang)
  8. Breast quarters : yaitu ayam yg dipotong mnjadi 4 ,setengah bagian dada ,sayao dan bagian dari belakang
  9. Poultry half : yaitu ayam yg dipotong menjadi 2,secara memanjang dari bagian dada ke belakang
  10. Giblets : yaitu bagian dalam ayam / jerohan yg terdiri dari hati,jantung,dan ampela
Hi Guys, today I’m and my group have schedule to mid test, menu today is WESTERN BUFFET. I have job in Maincourse section with my friend from group 3. I make Breaded Fried Fish With Salmorigliana Sauce.

The Ingredient to make it :
Fillet Fish [2,5 kg]
All Purpose Flour [750 gr]
Bread Crumb [750 gr]
Eggs [10 pcs]
Vegetable Oil [2 L]
Salt & Pepper [As needed]
Fresh Milk [100 ml]

For Salmoriglio Sauce :
Chop Parsley [50 gr]
Chop Garlic [50 gr]
Lemon Juice [As needed]
Extra Virgin Oil [250 ml]
Salt & Pepper [As needed]
Chili powder [As needed]
Dried Oregano [As needed]

The First step, prepare all ingredient, Cut fish into fillet after that Devided to four, And than marinade with Fresh milk and Salt pepper.

The Second Step, Breaded Fillet fish, after that frying until cooked.

After that I make Salmoriglio sauce. The first step to make salmoriglio sauce is chop garlic and parsley, after that combine Chop garlic and parsley, dried oregano, chili powder with Extra virgin oil and season with salt & pepper.

And the last step serve Breaded Bried Fish with Salmoriglio sauce.
1. Lighter
It's made of aluminium, the fuchion for blame the stove, it's can clean with wet napkin.

2. Steammer
It's made of Stainless steel, the funchion for steam rice and others food, it's can washed with soap and rinsed with clean water.

3. Oval Plate
It's made of cramic, the funchion for serving dish, it's can washed with clean water.
1. Lemon
The lemon is a small tree (Citrus limon) that is green even in the winter. It came from Asia, and is also the name of the tree's oval-shaped yellow fruit. The fruit is used for cooking and other things in the world – usually for its juice.

People do not know for sure where lemons have come from. However, most people think that lemons first grew in India, northern Burma, and China. The lemon is the common name for Citrus limon. A lemon is a yellow citrus fruit. It is related to the orange. Lemon juice is about 5% citric acid, and has a pH of 2 to 3. 

Lemon plants vary in size yet stay generally small. The tallest height they can get is about 6meters tall.

Lemons taste sour. The juice, zest, and pulp are often used in cooking, often on fish and other meat for better taste. Lemon is also used to flavour drinks, such as lemonade or soft drinks

Lemon juice, rind, and zest are used in a wide variety of foods and drinks. Lemon juice is used to make lemonade, soft drinks, andcocktails. It is used in marinades for fish, where its acid neutralizes amines in fish by converting them into nonvolatile ammonium salts, and meat, where the acid partially hydrolyzes tough collagen fibers, tenderizing the meat, but the low pH denatures the proteins, causing them to dry out when cooked. Lemon juice is frequently used in the United Kingdom to add to pancakes, especially onShrove Tuesday.

Lemon juice is also used as a short-term preservative on certain foods that tend to oxidize and turn brown after being sliced (enzymatic browning), such as apples, bananas, and avocados, where its acid denatures the enzymes.

Lemon juice and rind are used to make marmalade, lemon curd and lemon liqueur. Lemon slices and lemon rind are used as agarnish for food and drinks. Lemon zest, the grated outer rind of the fruit, is used to add flavor to baked goods, puddings, rice, and other dishes.

The leaves of the lemon tree are used to make a tea and for preparing cooked meats and seafoods.

Source :

2. Paprika
Paprika is a powdered, generally orange-red to deep blood-red spice made typically from grinding the dried pods of sweet red bell peppers (Capsicum annuum). It is used as a seasoning and garnish is many culinary dishes. In addition, in many European countries, the name paprika also refers to bell peppers themselves, either the plant or just the bell-shaped fruit. As a spice made from bell peppers, including green bell peppers as well, paprika tends to be mild. However, the term paprika sometimes is extended to include some pungent and hot spices made from hot peppers as well.

This powdered seasoning is used to add color and flavor to many dishes, and is particularly popular in Hungarian cuisine, where it is a maintstay flavoring (Herbst 2001). It offers a unique culinary experience and when prepared by naturally drying the fruits, rather than the high heat of commercial preparations, it also offers a very rich source of vitamin C.

Bell pepper is the common name for a cultivar group of the species Capsicum annuum. These plantsare characterized by edible, bell-shaped fruits that have a glossy exterior of different, vivid colors, including red, yellow, orange, green, purple, brown, and black (GMF 2008). They tend to be plump, bell-shaped vegetables with three or four lobes (GMF 2008). These cultivars sometimes are lumped together with other varieties of Capsicum annuum known as sweet peppers. Bell peppers contain a recessive gene that eliminates capsaisin, the alkaloid that causes "hotness" in other plants in the genus Capsicum.

The bell-shaped fruit of Capsicum plants have a variety of names depending on place and type. In many European and some other countries, they are called paprika, and sometimes referred to by their color. For example, the Dutch words "groene paprika" and "gele paprika" refer to green and yellow fruits, respectively. Likewise, in Hungarian German, Polish, Japanese, and Korean, the word "paprika" is used for the fruits, either the bell pepper or even hot pepper, of which the spices are made.

However, paprika more commonly refers to the powdered spice made from various capsicum fruit. A spice is any dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or other part of a herbaceous or woody plant used in nutritionally insignificant quantities as a food additive for the purpose of flavoring, or sometimes as a preservative. Paprika as a spice is a powder made by drying and grinding the pods of bell peppers, typically the pods of red peppers (Herbst 2001). The seeds are removed from the pods, the pods dried, and then ground. Because the pods are quite tough, several grindings may be necessary to produce a powder with proper texture (Herbst 2001).

The paprika spice generally ranges in color from deep blood-red to bright orange-red, and the spice tends to be mild. However, more pungent and hot forms of spice called "paprika" also are known (Herbst 2001), although these hot varieties are not actually made from bell peppers, but rather chili peppers.

Paprika is used as an ingredient in a broad variety of dishes throughout the world, and is particularly popular in Hungary and neighboring countries. Hungarian cuisine has used paprika for a long time as a mainstay flavoring rather than only as a garnish (Herbst 2001). It also is integral in Mexican and Portuguese cuisines (GMF 2008). Paprika is essential for the flavoring of Louisiana Creole dishes (GMF 2008).

Paprika (known as pimentón in Spain, colorau in Portugal, and chiltoma in Nicaragua—but these "paprikas" are not made exclusively from bell peppers, other varieties are used, and there are several hot and sweet "paprikas") is principally used to season and color rices, stews, and soups, such as goulash. In Spain, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Portugal, paprika is also used in the preparation of sausages as an ingredient that is mixed with meats and other spices. Paprika may be smoked for additional flavor.

Paprika is unusually high in vitamin C. The capsicum peppers used for paprika contain six to nine times as much vitamin C as tomatoes by weight. Hungary's Albert Szent-Györgyi, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 1937 partially for his work with vitamin C, used paprika as a source of vitamin C in 1932 (NLM). This was no problem given that he was working in Szeged, the paprika capital of Hungary.

High heat leaches the vitamins from peppers, thus commercially-dried peppers are not as nutritious as those dried naturally in the sun.

Source :

3. Parsley
Parsley is a popular culinary and medicinal herb recognized as one of the functional food for its unique antioxidants, and disease preventing properties. This small leafy herb is native to the Mediterranean region. It is a biennial plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, of the genus; Petroselinum. Its botanical name isPetroselinum crispum.

The herb is a small plant featuring dark-green leaves that resemble coriander leaves, especially in the case of flat-leaf parsley. However, its leaves are larger by size and milder in flavor than that of leaf-coriander. The herb is widely employed in Mediterranean, East European, and American cuisine.

There exist several cultivars of parsley growing across the Europe. Italian or flat leaf parsley (Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum) is well-known around Mediterranean countries and has rather more intense flavor than curly leaf parsley.

Mitsuba (Cryptotaenia japonica) is a garnish herb used in Japan and China as an alternative to parsley. It has similar flavor and appearance to that of European flat-leaf parsley.

Health Benefits of Parsley

Parsley is one of low calorific herb. 100 g of fresh leaves carry just 36 calories. Additionally, its leaves hold zero cholesterol and fat, but rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. On the whole, the herb helps in controlling blood cholesterol and may offer protection against free radical-mediated injury and cancers.

Parsley contains health benefiting essential volatile oils that include myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and α-thujene.

The essential oil, Eugenol, present in this herb has been in therapeutic application in dentistry as a local anesthetic and antiseptic agent for teeth and gum diseases. Eugenol has also been found to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics; however, further detailed studies required to establish its role.

Parsley is rich in polyphenolic flavonoid antioxidants, including apiin, apigenin, crisoeriol, and luteolin;and has been rated as one of the plant sources with quality antioxidant activities. Total ORAC value, which measures the antioxidant strength of 100 g of fresh, raw parsley, is 1301 µmol TE (Trolox equivalents).

The herb is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. 100 g fresh herb provides 554 mg or 12% of daily required levels of potassium. Potassium is the chief component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure by countering pressing effects of sodium. 

Iron is essential for the production of heme, which is a critical oxygen-carrying component inside the red blood cells. The human body uses manganese as co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
Additionally, the herb is also rich in many antioxidant vitamins, including vitamin-A, β-carotene, vitamin-C, vitamin-E, zeaxanthin, lutein, and cryptoxanthin. The herb is an excellent source of vitamin-K and folates. Zeaxanthin helps prevent age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) in the retina (eye) in the elderly population through its antioxidant and ultraviolet light filtering functions.

Fresh herb leaves are also rich in many essential vitamins such as pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), riboflavin (vitamin B-2), niacin (vitamin B-3), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6) and thiamin (vitamin B-1). These vitamins play a vital role in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism by acting as co-enzymes inside the human body.

It is, perhaps, the richest herbal source of vitamin-K; provide 1640 µg or 1366% of recommended daily intake. Vitamin K has been found to have the potential role in bone health by promoting osteoblastic activity in the bones. It also has an established role in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in their brain.

Wonderful! Humble parsley has just 36 calories/100 g, but their phyto-nutrients profile is no less than any high-calorie food sources.

This unique herb provides:
38% of folates, 
220% of vitamin C, 
281% of vitamin A, 
1366% of vitamin K,
14% of calcium, 
77.5% of iron and 
5561 mcg of zeaxanthin.
5054 mcg of carotene-beta

(Note: the values are in % of RDA per 100 g (RDA-Recommended daily allowance)) 

Rendang is a dish that most people expect to see on the table when Hari Raya dawns.

There are various types of rendang, and depending on which state you originate from, chances are that you would have tried the flavoursome Malay dish at some point in your life.

With meat as its main ingredient, the dish’s robust flavour is derived from an exciting mix of aromatic culinary herbs and vegetables such as galangal, turmeric, lemongrass, chillies, shallots, ginger, garlic, daun limau purut and tumeric leaves.

Of course, the addition of coconut milk and kerisik gives rendang its desired richness and texture, the gravy of which permeates into the meat of choice, which can either be chicken, beef, lamb, duck or liver.
Some cooks like using dried chillies to prepare the reddish orange hued rendang or rendang hijau with fresh green chillies, while others prefer Rendang Tok — the deep dark brown slightly sweet version from Perak.

The dish happens to be a personal favourite when I decide on Malay food for a meal, and especially during Hari Raya, rendang, serunding and lemang are must-haves.

I almost missed out on an intriguing flavour at Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur’s Latest Recipe but luckily, executive sous chef Zubir Mohd Zain spoke in-depth about his latest creation for Ramadan — Rendang Ayam Pencen Pucuk Ubi which prompted me to get up and go in search of it.

What’s outstanding about this rendang creation is that the green chillies, used in abundance in the recipe, gives it a unique green shade.

However, it is Zubir’s inclusion of young tapioca leaves in this slightly spicy chicken stew that intrigued me.
“This particular rendang is similar to the Minangkabau version where green chillies are used but I chose to add pucuk ubi to the gravy to give texture and flavour to the dish,” he said.

The tapioca leaves in the dish gives it a mild bitter, sweet aftertaste that does not come across as pungent because of the luscious gravy, made using numerous herbs, spices and coconut.

There are other dishes to whet your appetite at the restaurant during the fasting month.

The appetiser, main course and desserts change daily but look out for the daily feature and specials of the day near the Indian Corner.

Zubir’s Roasted Baby Lamb marinated in Arabic spices is the star item of the month as it is served everyday while specials of the day differ from day to day with scrumptious finds such as Red Snapper with Portuguese Sauce, Roasted Duck with Kurma Spices and Almonds, Roasted Spiced Turkey with Honey and Balinese Baked Fish.

For this Ramadan, there are up to 200 dishes for diners to break their fast with.

Among the tantalising dishes being dished out by the kitchen are Malay kerabu, Mee Rebus Johor, rojak buah, Asam Pedas Ikan Jenahak with Mentimun Tua, Udang Harimau Masak Serai, Dalcha Kambing Pulau Pinang Tumis Darat Kacang Mungai, Daging Batang Pinang Goreng Lada Hitam and Rempah Sangai.

For those who prefer to break their fast with something else, there are several other enticing choices from the Japanese, Indian, Malaysian Hot Plate, pau and dim sum, chicken rice, noodle, pasta, hot wok, carving, teppanyaki, ice cream and waffle stations.

The buffet dinner is available until Aug 6 and is priced at RM128++ per person (from Monday to Friday), RM118++ per person (Saturday and Sunday) and RM88++ per person (for bookings after 9pm from Monday to Thursday).


Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 3 hours

3 lb beef, cut into chunks
5 tablespoons oil
Whole spices
1 cinnamon stick
5 garlic cloves
3 star anise
4 green cardamom pods
Whole spices, dry roasted and then ground into powder
1 tablespoon fennel seeds
1 tablespoon cumin seeds
1 ½ tablespoon coriander seeds
Wet Paste
3 stalks lemongrass, white part only, thinly sliced
1 2-inch piece of galangal
1 1-inch piece of ginger
10 shallots
1 2-inch piece of turmeric root
6 kaffir lime leaves, finely chopped
6 garlic cloves
10 red hot chili peppers, soaked and seeded
2 cups coconut milk
5 tablespoons kerisik (grated coconut, toasted and crushed) (optional)
2 tablespoons pure tamarind extract
Palm sugar (to taste)

  1. Mix all the wet paste ingredients in a blender or food processor.
  2. In a skillet, toast coriander, cumin and fennel seeds for 2 to 3 minutes, then grind in a spice grinder or using a mortar and pestle.
  3. Add oil to the skillet, bring the heat to medium-low, add the whole spices and sweat for a few minutes.
  4. Add the wet paste into the skillet and cook over medium-low heat for 20 to 30 minutes or until the oil begins to separate from the ingredients.
  5. Add the dry ground spices to the pan and mix with the wet paste.
  6. Fry for about 5 minutes, being careful not to burn the mixture.
  7. Add the meat, coat with paste and fry for about 1 minute.
  8. Add the coconut milk. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low.
  9. Simmer very gently uncovered for about 3 hours or until the meat is cooked and the sauce is reduced considerably.
  10. Add keresik (optional) and tamarind and simmer for another 20 minutes.
  11. Add salt and palm sugar to taste
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Gulai Ayam (Padang Chicken Curry) is originally from West Sumatra (Padang). Since Padang people have the strong desire to better themselves economically, many of them moved out of their area to other areas in Indonesia to get better jobs. Some of them even moved to Singapore and Malaysia. Thus, Padang food, including Gulai Ayam, can be easily found in any Padang restaurants all over Indonesia since once they moved, they started to open Padang restaurants. Their food is quite popular in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. One of the most well known Padang food is Beef Rendang.

The food from Padang tends to be hot because they use a lot of chili peppers. Indonesians also have their Kari Ayam (Chicken Curry). This Kari Ayam normally doesn't use chili peppers and thus, it is not hot like Gulai Ayam. In my recipe, I substitute chili peppers with sambal oelek since it is sometimes not easy to find red or Thai chili peppers in the Asian grocery stores in my area. I use Huy Fong brand for sambal oelek since they don't add shrimp paste or garlic to it and thus, I got the chili pepper I need without any other flavors I don't want. I intentionally make the recipe mild. You can add more sambal oelek to make it hot. Traditionally, the dish is normally served with steamed rice and other Padang main dishes, such as beef rendang, telor balado, etc. I have those recipes on my website, too. So, please feel free to browse my websites for them.

The recipe serves for 2-3 people. 

3 small size shallots or 1 large size shallot, halved. They will be processed in food processor.
3 cloves of garlic, halved. They will be processed in food processor.
1/2" fresh ginger, peeled and roughly chopped. They will be processed in food processor.
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoons coriander powder
1/2 tablespoon sambal oelek or to taste. If you like heat, add more sambal oelek. I use Huy Fong brand for sambal oelek since they don't add shrimp paste or garlic to it and thus, I got the chili pepper I need without any other flavors I don't want.
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg powder
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 lemongrass, white part only, smashed with the back of your knife to release the flavor and aroma
1 cinnamon stick
6 chicken drumsticks. You can also use other chicken parts, such as breast or thigh. If using breast, use 3 chicken breasts.
2 kaffir lime leaves or 1/4 teaspoon lime zest. For kaffir lime leaves, tear the edge of the leaves so that it will release the flavor and aroma.
1 cup water or more depending on the size of your pot
1 cup coconut milk
1 teaspoon salt or to taste
1 tablespoon brown sugar or to taste
1 tablespoon tamarind water or to taste. To make tamarind water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of tamarind paste in 6 tablespoons boiling water for about 10 min. Discard tamarind paste using a strainer. Since you only need to use 1 tablespoon, you can keep the remaining tamarind water in a small jar. You can use it to make Pad Thai among other things.
pinch of pepper or to taste

  1. Put shallots, garlic, ginger, turmeric powder, coriander powder, sambal oelek, cumin powder, and nutmeg powder in a food processor. Pulse the food processor so that it becomes smooth paste.
  2. Turn on the stove to medium high heat. Add vegetable oil to a pot. Add seasoning paste, lemon grass, and cinnamon stick to the pot. Saute them until they become become fragrant. Add chicken into the pot and saute it for about 3 min until it is coated with the seasoning paste and it changes color to yellow, the color of the seasoning paste. Add kaffir lime leaves or lime zest, water, coconut milk, salt, brown sugar, tamarind water, and pepper into the pot. Make sure the liquid completely covers the chicken. If the liquid doesn't cover the chicken, add more water but you want to use just enough water to cover the chicken. Do not use too much water since we will reduce the liquid during cooking. Adding too much water will increase the cooking time. Cook the chicken until the liquid starts to gentle boiling. Reduce the heat to simmer. Taste the liquid and add more sugar, salt, or pepper if needed. Let it continue cooking until the chicken is soft and fully cooked and the liquid is slightly thicken to your desire. Turn off the heat.
  3. Serve it warm with steamed rice.

To make tamarind water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of tamarind paste in 6 tablespoons boiling water for about 10 min. Discard tamarind paste using a strainer. Since you only need to use 1 tablespoon, you can keep the remaining tamarind water in a small jar. You can use it to make Pad Thai among other things.

If you like Gulai Ayam to be thicker, you can continue cooking it until it reaches the thickness consistency you want. Some people prefer not to have it thick. If that's the case with you, as soon as the chicken is fully cooked and soft, turn off the heat.

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