Hi, hari ini merupakan hari jumat keempat selama di semester 5, seperti biasanya, setiap hari jumat saya mempuanyai kegiatan untuk mengunjungi pasar-pasar lokal. untuk survei harga bahan-bahan yang ada di pasar tersebut.

Nah, kali ini saya tidak mengunjungi pasar-pasar lokal yang ada di daerah makassar, tetapi saya mengunjungi pasar yang ada di kampung saya, karena kebetulan saya pulang kampung. Pasar yang saya kunjungi adalah pasar KAPIDI.

Pasar Kapidi buka hanya pagi hari saja sampai sekitar pukul 10.00 am, saya berkunjung sekitar pukul 07.30 am sebelum saya berangkat ke makassar. tujuan utama saya ke pasar ini yaitu membeli jamur tiram dan beberapa sayur dan buah yang akan saya bawa kemassar serta membeli ikan untuk ibu saya. 

Berikut beberapa hasil survei harga saya di pasar Kapidi :

Demikian hasil survei saya di pasar tersebut.

HALLO GUYS, Saya akan bercerita kembali tentang kunjungan saya ke pasar lokal yang ada di daerah makassar. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya berkunjung ke Pasar yang terletak di jalan Hartaco, selain untuk survei harga bahan-bahan yang ada di pasar ini, saya mengunjungi pasar ini untuk membeli beberapa bahan untuk membuat Opor ayam. karena saya akan membuat opor ayam bersama teman saya di kontrakan.

Karena harga ayam potong satu ekor lumayan mahal di pasar ini, maka kami hanya membeli bahan-bahan yang lain dan kami lanjut ke Carrefour Tsm untuk membeli ayamnya. berikut hasil survei harga kami di pasar hartaco ini.

Hasil Survei Harga 
di Pasar Hartaco

Pada kesempatan ini saya mengunjungi penjual kelapa dan beberapa penjual sembako dan buah-buahan.

Hi, Today I returned to practice in the kitchen, our material today is to how make a mirror glaze. Because one day before we had made vanilla sponge cake, so today we only make cake filling, mirror glaze and chocolate garnish.

Next, the first one I made some chocolate garnish, and after the chocolate garnish was finished, I helped my friend to make cream cheese for cake filling. and than me with my friend start to layered my cake until finish. and than the cake rest in chiller.

After that I make Mirror glaze, how to make mirror glaze? the ingredients and intruction are :

Ingredient :
60 gr Gelatine powder
280 gr Water
250 gr Sugar
238 gr Condensed milk
400 gr White Chocolate

Instruction :
1. Prepare all ingredients and tools
2. Chop white chocolate
3. Heat water, sugar, condensed milk and gelatine powder
4. Mix gelatine powder with water until late before you heat with some ingredients
5. Pour the liquid into chocolate chop, stir until chocolate is melted


Hari ini merupakan hari terakhir kami praktek di minggu ini. hari ini kami peraktek membuat birthday cake dengan mirror glaze. karena sebelumnya kami sudah membuat sponge cake nya, maka hari ini kami hanya membuat filling, mirror galze dan garnishnya.

Nah, yang pertama saya buat yaitu garnishnya yang terbuat dari chocolate, setelah garnih yang saya buat, saya membatu teman saya membuat filling nya, yaitu cream cheese.

Selanjutnya, setelah cream cheese nya selesai dibuat, maka kami mulai layer cake nya sebanyak 3 layer, setelah selesai, cake nya disimpan di chiller dan kami lanjut membuat mirror glaze.

Langkah pertama yang saya lakukan adalah menyiapkan semua bahan yang kami butuhkan untuk membuat mirror glaze, yaitu :

60 gr Gelatine powder
280 gr Water
250 gr Sugar
238 gr Condensed milk
400 gr White chocolate

Selanjutnya setelah semua bahan kami siapkan, kami mulai untu membuat Mirror glaze nya. yang pertama dilakukan yaitu panaskan air dengan gula, setelah mendidih masukkan condensed milk dan gelatine powder. dan yang terakhir masukkan  white chocolate.

Setelah Mirror glaze nya jadi, langsung kami tuang ke atas cake yang sudah kami layer sebelumya. kami layer sebanyak 3 kali supaya hasilnya lebih baik. setelag galze nya rata dan terlihat rapi, kami mulai menghias cake nya dengan garnish yang saya buat tadi.

Setelah cakenya selesai, kami menjual cake tersebut dengan harga minimal 150k.

Microwaves are commonly used equipment in kitchens, especially pastries, for the purpose of warming food served warm, in a microwave pastry usually used for melting chocolate, microwaves made of iron and aluminum, the way to clean is wiped with a wet cloth only.


Stockpot is a kitchen tool used to boil water, stockpot made of stainless steel, in pastry stockpot is usually used to boil water to make jelly or pudding and to make a compote, stockpot can be cleaned by washing with soap and rinsed with water

Sit pan / Tray

Sit pan or tray is a kitchen tool that is often used in pastry, usually used as a place or base for bake product pastry & bakery, sit pan made of stainless steel and how to clean it enough to be washed with soap and rinsed with water
HALLO, today I came faster to campus. because I have to prepare all bread and cake for breakfast in the rector building. I warmed all bread and cake at 150 * C for 20 minutes. Selanjutnya saya set up breakfast station di gedung rektorat and incharge from 08.00 am until at 10.00 am.

After breakfast time finish. I continue to follow praktice today, the material is, how to make Bread with sour dough. 


 And than we are prepare for praktice tomorrow, tomorrow we will make birthday cake, so today i prepare to make vanilla sponge.

Halo, pagi ini saya datang lebih awal dikitchen untuk menyiapkan semua bread yang saya buat kemarin untuk breakfast hari ini. semua bread yang kami buat di panaskan didalam oven dengan suhu 150*C selama 20 menit. selain itu kami juga menyiapkan coffe and tea nya.


Setelah semuanya sudah siap, kami set up di rektorat untuk breakfast semua dosen dan pegawai yang ada di rektorat. kami dapat menyelesaikan set up an kami sebelum jam 8 pagi, selanjutnya kami jaga stand breakfast sampai jam 10 pagi (closed).

Selanjutnya, kami kembali kekitchen dan lanjut untuk mengikuti materi praktek hari ini. materi praktek kami hari ini yaitu membuat bread dengan menggunakan sour dough dan juga membuat sponge cake untuk praktek besok.

Semuanya dapat terselesaikan tepat waktu dan hasilnya cukup baik.


Sanwich Toaster is a cooking appliance that consists of two hinged concave, round or square, metal plates on long handles. The appliance is used to heat, toast and seal a sandwich of two slices of bread and a filling.

The most common type in most countries are electrically heated counter-top models, and names vary from place to place: in the United Kingdom, the pie iron is referred to as a "sandwich maker"; in South Africa it is called a "toastie maker" (sometimes also referred to as a "snackwich maker" in South Africa). In Australia it is also called a "toastie maker" or, often, a "jaffle maker" (this term is also frequently used in Indonesia), whilst the British and New Zealanders refer to them as a "toasties".

How to Clean Up ?

Cleaning the toasters was easy, you just need to do these 4 easy steps.

1. Turn off the Tool

Before you start cleaning, make sure the toaster is off or not connected to an electric current. This is certainly done to avoid short circuit or short circuit. After you turn off the toaster, the next step is to coat the toaster with a layer of newspaper so that the dirt will not fall apart.

2. Clean the Crumbs on the Tray

If you have a toaster type that has a tray as a crumb container at the bottom, then throw the crumbs that pagian into the trash. Next, clean the tray by using a damp cloth or sponge. You can also add vinegar to keep it from attaching to the tray. However, if your home toaster is a toaster type that does not have a tray, flip the toaster upside down, then clean the crumbs in the sections by using a small brush.

3. Use Salt

One of the tips that you may not know is the utilization of salt to clean your favorite toaster. Salt can be used to clean some parts that are difficult to reach with water. The trick is easy, use a large crystal salt into a slot of toast, then cover the section with oil paper and masking tape. In order for salt to flush evenly throughout the toaster, wiggle the grill to the top and bottom. If the move is already done, lift upside down again toaster to remove salt. However, you should make sure your toaster is clean of salt because if left this salt can cause iron corrosion.

4. Clean the Outside

In addition to the outside, you also have to clean the outside of the toaster.Untuk clean it, dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar with a cup of water. Then wash it with a soft cloth. However, if there are stubborn stains, just use baking suda and then rub into the toaster body slowly.


A kamado is a traditional Japanese wood or charcoal fueled cook stove. The name kamado is, in fact, the Japanese word for "stove" or "cooking range". Literally, it means "place for the cauldron". A movable kamado called "mushikamado" came to the attention of Americans after the Second World War and is now found in the US as a Kamado style cooker or barbecue grill. The mushikamado is a round clay pot with a removable domed clay lid and was typically found in Southern Japan.

Mushikamados are versatile. They are used for grilling and smoking, flat-bread such as pizza can be cooked on a flat ceramic or stone tray (pizza stone) and bread can also be baked. This is by virtue of the heat retention properties of the ceramic shell with temperatures up to 750 °F (400 °C). Precise control of airflow (and thus temperature) afforded by the vent system means Kamado-style cookers are much like wood-fired ovens and can be used to roast and bake. Kamados may also have a rotisserie cradle for crisping the skin of birds and uniform browning.

How to Clean Up ?
One thing to note is the cleanliness of the tray so that it is always clean because at the end of use there must be a sticky food remnant so that the tray remains clean after use and so on the mini cutting board on the right side and left must be cleaned also.


A pancake machine is an electrically-powered machine that automatically produces cooked pancakes. It is believed that the earliest known pancake machine was invented in the United States in 1928. Several types of pancake machines exist that perform in various manners, for both commercial and home use. Some are fully automatic in operation, while others are semi-automatic. Some companies mass-produce pancake machines, and some have been homemade. The Happy Egg Company constructed a novelty pancake machine in 2013 in commemoration of Pancake Day in the United Kingdom.

Various types of pancake machines exist, such as those that run pancake batter through a heated conveyor inside of a box unit, and those that automatically drop pancake batter onto a flattop grill. Some pancake machines, such as one developed by Crepe-Coer, cook both sides of a pancake simultaneously. Semi-automatic pancake machines also exist, which require some human interaction to function, such as the pouring of batter. Commercial pancake machines may be used in the foodservice industry, in cafeterias and by restaurants, and can serve to reduce the waste of stale pancake batter. Some hotels have pancake machines that guests are allowed to operate. They are also used in other environments in a self-service manner, such as in upscale airport lounges and hotels.

How to Clean Up ? 
Clean up dirty if still sticky and washing by soap cleaner.
Hello, today is my incharge schedule in the 3rd semester. The praktice material's today is Indonesian buffet. But because my group get schadule to make Breakfast for tomorrow so I am focus to prepare all bread and cake for breakfast tomorrow.

Our breakfast menu for tomorrow that are :  Croissant, Brioce, Apple Struddle, Chocolate Muffin, Cheese tart, Donuts, Doko-doko Cangkuning, Coffee or tea and Carrot juice.

I got a part to make chocolate muffins, the first step i did was is prepare all ingredients to make chocolate muffins, the ingredients are :

1200 gr Soft flour
600 gr Sugar
72 gr Baking powder
15 gr Salt
360 gr Eggs
840 gr Fresh milk
30 gr Vanilla extract
480 Melted butter 
Instruction to make muffin are :
11. Sift together the dry ingredients
  2. Combine all liquid ingredients, including melted fat or oil
33. Add the liquids to the dry ingredient and mix just until all the flour is moistened. The batter will look lumpy. Do not overmix 
   4. Pour the dough into muffin cup and bake with 180*C in 20 minutes

Hi, Hari ini merupakan hari kedua dalam minggu praktek kami di dapur, hari ini saya mendapat jadwal untuk incharge di semester 3, materi incharge semester 3 yaitu indonesian buffet. tetapi ternyata teman kelompok saya mendapat giliran untuk membuat breakfast, jadi saya lebih fokus ke breakfast. menu breakfast kami ada Croissant, Apple Struddle, Brioche, Donat Kentang, Chocolate muffin, Cheese Tart, Doko-doko cangkuning dan coffee and tea.

Saya mendapat bagian untuk membuat Chocolate muffin, langkah pertama yang saya lakukan yaitu menyiapkan semua bahan yang akan digunakan membuat chocolate muffin, adapun bahannya yaitu :

1200 gr Soft flour
600 gr Sugar
72 gr Baking powder
15 gr Salt
360 gr Eggs
840 gr Fresh milk
30 gr Vanilla extract
480 Melted butter

Setelah semua bahannya sudah siap, langkah kedua adalah melelehkan butternya terlebih dahulu, kemudian mencampurkan semua bahan cair. setelah tercampur rata, selanjutnya bahan cair yang sudah tercampur rata masukkan edalam bowl yang sudah terisi bahan kering. kemudian aduk hingga rata, tetapi jangan sampai over mix.

Selanjutnya, masukan kedalah cup muffin dan bake dengan suhu 180 *C selama 20 Menit.