Hi Guys, i want to updated my activities one week ago, on monday, 02 October 2017, i'm incharge in MTB 1 B, these the first time i am incharge in this class. The material is Basic Sauce, How to make sauce With main ingredient is stock. And than  i am give material about Roux, Veloute sauce and Demiglace sauce

And I am started doing at 12.30 am to 15.30 pm. So long day and tired day for me. 

I think just thats all my activity when i am incharge in MTB 1 B.

So, i want to share a little material about Roux, Veloute sauce and Demiglace Sauce.

Demiglace Sauce

Demi-glace (English: "half glaze") is a rich brown sauce in French cuisine used by itself or as a base for other sauces. The term comes from the French word glace, which, used in reference to a sauce, means icing or glaze. It is traditionally made by combining equal parts of veal stock and espagnole sauce, the latter being one of the five mother sauces of classical French cuisine, and the mixture is then simmered and reduced by half.

Common variants of demi-glace use a 1:1 mixture of beef or chicken stock to sauce espagnole; these are referred to as "beef demi-glace" (demi-glace au boeuf) or "chicken demi-glace" (demi-glace au poulet). The term "demi-glace" by itself implies that it is made with the traditional veal stock.

Veloute Sauce

A velouté sauce (French pronunciation: ​[vəluˈte]) is one of the five sauces of French cuisine that were designated the five "mother sauces" by Auguste Escoffier in the 19th century along with espagnole, tomato, béchamel and hollandaise, which was a simplification of the "Sauce Carême" list of Marie-Antoine Carême. The term velouté is from the French adjectival form of velour, meaning velvet.

For Material About Roux you can visit my others post in my blog. with this link :

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