On Monday, October 30 2017, i was incharge in semester one class B, the material today is Method Of Cooking, Method of cooking is divided into two, there are Dry Heat Method and Moist Heat Method. Today the class is opened by chef Dyno.

After all methods are explained, chef dyno divided into 6 groups, each group has a task to explain some menus that use all cooking methods.

 If you want to know more about the method of cooking, you can open my previous post.

After all activities is done, we are do General Cleaning.

General Cleaning of Kitchen 

A kitchen is a place or part on the house where cooking and preparing foods are being done. Kitchen can be a multifunctional room in a house because it can also be used as dining, dishwashing, laundry and food storage room. A typical kitchen in the house is equipped with a sink, cold running water, refrigerator, kitchen cabinets, microwave oven and other electric operated machines. Kitchen must always be clean and free from any germs to prevent contamination to kitchen utensils and foods. However, cleaning kitchen can be a very difficult task to do. Here are some tips that may help you to clean your kitchen.

Cleaning the stove and other electric appliances:

Stove is the most used equipment in the kitchen because it is used for cooking foods and usually excess food and sauces are the main dirt which can be found in the top of the gas and electric stove. You can use a soft sponge, warm water and soap in cleaning the electric and gas stove. You must keep your burners clean to maintain sanitation of your kitchen. After cleaning the top of the stove, you must also clean the surface of the entire stove. You can use again soft sponge and a detergent in cleaning the stove. If the control knobs are removal you can wash them using warm water in the sink. Do not use soap and other detergent with strong abrasives for it may was away the markings of your stove knobs. You can also use this method in cleaning other electric operated machines in your kitchen such as rice cooker, microwave oven and refrigerator.

Organizing your kitchen stuffs and remove unnecessary stuffs:

Cleaning kitchen can be easy if you know to organize your stuffs. A Typical has kitchen cabinets which are used for storage. Having general clean up in your kitchen you might find unnecessary supplies like empty bottles, biodegradable materials and other disposable materials inside your kitchen cabinets. You must put away all the things that you do not need. After putting away all the things that you do not need you must now start organizing all your kitchen stuffs. Have a special drawer where you can put all the utensils and other materials. By doing this you can easily find all the materials that you need. Do not put toxic materials inside your kitchen. Always remember to empty kitchen sink and wash all the dishes before you leave the house or go to sleep.

To finish cleaning in kitchen you must also sweep your kitchen’s floor:

You can use a broom, dustpan and a mop to intensively remove all the food stains present in the floor. You can also use detergent to sanitize the floor. Once you have finished cleaning all the parts of your kitchen you must put all your kitchen supplies back in their places.

To maintain the cleanliness of your kitchen you must do general cleaning in the kitchen once in a week. Maintaining the sanitation and order of your kitchen can keep your family away from any diseases because all the foods prepared in your kitchen are not contaminated with any bacteria and germs. Food safety follows when your kitchen utensils and other equipment in your kitchen are free from contamination.

  1. All-Purpose Flour – A blend of hard and soft wheat; it may be bleached or unbleached.  It is usually translated as “plain flour.”  All-Purpose Flour has 8% to 11% protein (gluten).  All-purpose flour is one of the most commonly used and readily accessible flour in the United States.  Flour that is bleached naturally as it ages is labeled “unbleached,” while chemically treated flour is labeled “bleached.”  Bleached flour has less protein than unbleached.  Bleached is best for pie crusts, cookies, quick breads, pancakes and waffles.  Use unbleached flour for yeast breads, Danish pastry, puff pastry, strudel, Yorkshire pudding, lairs, cream puffs and popovers
  2. Almond Flour (Gluten Free) – Just a touch of this flour (about 1/4 of the flour mixture) is all you need to add moistness, a little binding, light almond flavor, and density to baked goods.  It is especially good in pastry crusts, cookies, and quick breads.
  3. Amaranth Flour (Gluten Free) – Amaranth is an ancient grain and the word amaranth means “everlasting” in Greek.  Amaranth contains more protein than any other gluten-free grain and more protein than wheat flour.  You can substitute up to 20 to 25% of the flour used in your recipe with this flour.
  4. Barley Flour (Low Gluten) – A non-wheat flour made from grinding whole barley.  It is a popular alternative to wheat flour because, unlike many non-wheat flours, it contains some gluten.  This flour has a mild, but very slightly nutty taste.  This flour also has slightly fewer calories and more than 4 times the fiber of all-purpose.  By using barley flour instead of all-purpose flour, you triple your fiber intake.  When making yeast bread recipes, there is not enough gluten in barley flour to properly develop the bread, and it is recommended swapping only one quarter of all-purpose flour for barley flour in yeast bread recipes. Great in quick breads and pancakes.
  5. Bread Flour –  Is white flour made from hard, high-protein wheat.  It has more gluten strength and protein content than all-purpose flour.  It is unbleached and sometimes conditioned with ascorbic acid, which increases volume and creates better texture.  Bread flour has 12% to 14% protein (gluten).  This is the best choice for yeast products.
  6. Buckwheat Flour (Gluten Free) – It is packed with nutrients, readily available, easy to work with and has a nice nutty flavor.  Check out the article Buckwheat Flour – Adds Nutrients and Flavor to Baked Goods.
  7. Cake Flour –  A fine-textured, soft-wheat flour with a high starch content. It has the lowest protein content of any wheat flour, 8% to 10% protein (gluten).  It is chlorinated (a bleaching process which leaves the flour slightly acidic, sets a cake faster and distributes fat more evenly through the batter to improve texture.  When you’re making baked goods with a high ratio of sugar to flour, this flour will be better able to hold its rise and will be less liable to collapse.  This flour is excellent for baking fine-textured cakes with greater volume and is used in some quick breads, muffins and cookies.  If you cannot find cake flour, substitute bleached all-purpose flour, but subtract 2 tablespoons of flour for each cup used in the recipe (if using volume measuring).
  8. Chickpea Flour (Gluten Free) – Also know as garbanzo flour, gram flour, and besan.  Made from dried chickpeas ground into a flour.  Used in many countries, it is a staple ingredient in Indian, Pakistan, and Nepal cuisines.  You can use this flour as an egg substitute in vegan cookery.  You can substitute up to half the amount of all-purpose flour called for in a recipe with chickpea flour.  It is also very easy to make your own Chickpea Flour by processing dried chickpeas in your blender or food processor.
  9. Coconut flour (Gluten Free) – It is ground from dried, defatted coconut meat.  It is high in fiber, and low in digestible carbohydrates.  It has a very light coconut flavor.  Coconut flour can replace up to 20% of the flour in a recipe, but you will need to add an equal amount of liquid (oil) to compensate as this flour soaks up the liquid.  You will also need more eggs – usually double the eggs (or more).
  10. Corn Flour (Gluten Free) – It is a powdery flour made of finely-ground cornmeal and is milled from the whole kernel.  Corn flour comes in yellow and white and is used for breading and in combination with other flours in baked goods.  White corn flour is used as a filler, binder and thickener in cookie, pastry and meat industries.
  11. Instant Flour (Wondra from Gold Medal) – Is granular and formulated to dissolve quickly in hot or cold liquids.  It will not work as a substitute for all-purpose flour, although there are recipes on the container for popovers and other baked goods.  It is used primarily in sauces and gravies.
  12. Farina Flour or Meal:  Flour or meal (of grain or starchy roots.)  Also sold as Cream of Wheat, farina is made from the endosperm of the grain, which is milled to a fine granular consistency and then sifted.  Although the bran and most of the germ are removed, this cereal is sometimes enriched with B vitamins and iron.  Farina is most often served as a breakfast cereal, but can also be cooked like polenta.  Its name comes from the Latin word for meal or flour, which in turn traces to far, the Latin name for spelt, a type of wheat.  Farina was the first genuine flour before milling stones.
  13. Millet Flour (Gluten Free) – Millet is one of the oldest foods known and possibly the first cereal grain to be used for domestic purposes.  Millet flour is most commonly used in desserts and sweet breads largely because of the grain’s naturally sweet flavor.  When substituting for wheat flour, it is usually best to start with about a 3-to-1 ratio of wheat to millet.
  14. Oat Flour (Gluten Free) – This flour tends to make a baked good more moist than wheat flour.  It is made from ground whole oats – yes the old-fashion oats used for cereal.  It is very easy to make your own oat flour.  Just place the dried oats in your blender and grind. 1 1/4 cups rolled oats makes 1 cup oat flour.
  15. Organic Flour – Used in the same way as regular flour.  It must follow U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations to be labeled “organic.”  Using this flour is a matter of personal preference.
  16. Pastry Flour –  Also is made with soft wheat and falls somewhere between all-purpose and cake flour in terms of protein content and baking properties.  Pastry flour (also known as cookie flour) has a protein (gluten) of 9% to 10%.  Use pastry flour for making biscuits, pie crusts, brownies, cookies and quick breads.  Pastry flour makes a tender but crumbly pastry.  Do not use it for yeast breads.  Pastry flour (both whole-wheat and regular) is not readily available at supermarkets, but you can find it at specialty stores and online.  You can try to mimic it by using a 2-to-1 ratio of all-purpose flour to cake flour.
  17. Pumpernickel Flour (Low Gluten) – This flour is made from coarsely-ground whole rye berries. It is the rye equivalent of whole wheat flour.  Pumpernickel breads tends to be dense, dark, and strongly flavored.
  18. Quinoa Flour (Gluten Free) – It is one of the most nutritious grain flour available.  Quinoa is considered a grass/seed and not a grain.  This powerful little grain is a great addition to any diet, but is an ideal solution for those following a gluten free, vegan or vegetarian diet.  You can substitute this flour for 1/2 of the all-purpose flour in many recipes or completely replace wheat flour in cakes and cookie recipes.  This is a very expensive flour to purchase.
  19. Rice Flour (Gluten Free) – Rice flour is a form of flour made from finely milled rice.  This flour can be made from either white or brown rice and can be used interchangeably.  White Rice Flour (also called Mochik) is lighter, milder, and easier to digest than wheat flour.  Some people find white rice flour to be slightly gritty, but many find it preferable to bean flours.  It is great as a thickening in sauces.  You can also make your own rice flour – just place rice of your choice (white or brown) in your blender and process until it forms a powder.
  20. Rye Flours (Low Gluten) – There are light, medium, and dark colored varieties of rye flour.  The color of the flour depends on how much of the bran has been removed through the milling process.  It is also a low gluten flour.  Rye bread may be a better choice than wheat bread for persons with diabetes.  Because rye flour is low in gluten, a general rule suggests substituting 1/3 of the amount of rye with wheat flour to ensure the bread will rise properly.
  21. Self-Rising flour – Also known as Raising Flour and sometimes as phosphated flour, is a low-protein flour with salt and leavening (baking powder) already added.  About 1 1/4 teaspoons of baking powder and a pinch of salt have been added during milling for every cup of flour.  It is especially suited for biscuits, muffins, cakes, and pastries.  It is also available bleached or unbleached.  It is most often recommended for biscuits and some quick breads, but never for yeast breads.  Exact formulas, including the type of baking powder used, vary by manufacturer.  Recipes that call for self-rising flour do not call for the addition of salt or leavening agents.
  22. Semolina Flour – It is used in making pasta and Italian puddings.  It is made from durum wheat, the hardest type of wheat grown.  The flour is highest in gluten.  When other grains, such as rice or corn, are similarly ground, they are referred to as “semolina” with the grain’s name added, i.e., “corn semolina” or “rice semolina.”  There are difference grades.
  23. Sorghum Flour (Gluten Free) – A very good substitute for wheat flour in many recipes, especially if combined with other, more denser, flours.
  24. Soy Flour (Gluten Free) – Made from ground soy beans.  Full-fat and low-fat soy flours work best in sweet, rich, baked goods like cookies, soft yeast breads, and quick breads.  Soy flour can be substituted approximately 10% to 30% of the wheat or rye flour in your recipes.
  25. Spelt Flour (Low Gluten) – One of the most popular and widely available of alternative baking flours.  The full name of spelt is Triticum aestivum var. spelta.  Triticum denotes that it is of the wheat family, but the fats are more soluble and the nutritional content higher than traditional wheat flour.  People who have issues with wheat digestion, but who are not gluten, will tolerant often do well with Spelt.  Spelt flour has a nutty and slightly sweet flavor similar to that of whole wheat flour.  It does contain gluten and is a popular substitute for wheat in baked goods.  Check out the article on Spelt Flour – Add Spelt Flour to your Diet for Variety and Nutrition.
  26. Tapioca Flour (Gluten Free) – It is also known as tapioca starch.  It is a starchy white flour with a slight sweet flavor.  This flour is make from the starch extracted from the South American cassava plant.  It helps bind gluten-free recipes plus improves the texture of baked goods and is also an ideal thickening agent.  Use tapioca for thickening a wide variety of baked goods, sauces, and desserts.  This flour can also be used to replace corn starch (use 2 tablespoons tapioca flour for each 1 tablespoon corn starch).
  27. Teff Flour (Gluten Free) – Teff is an ancient and intriguing grain, tiny in size yet packed with nutrition.  It is simple to prepare and similar to millet or quinoa in cooking.  Teff is a great addition to your diet for nutrition, taste, and variety.  It is higher in protein than wheat and has a high concentration of a wide variety of nutrients, including calcium, thiamin, and iron.  Since the grains are so small, the bulk of the grain is germ and brand. It is very high in fiber and is thought to benefit people with diabetes as it helps control blood sugar levels.  Teff is excellent in making dark breads and rye breads.  Check out the article Teff – A Nutritious and Versatile Grain.
  28. Whole-Wheat Flour (Low Gluten) – Also called graham flour. It is made from the whole kernel of wheat and is higher in dietary fiber and overall nutrient content than white flours.  It does not have as high a gluten level, so often it’s mixed with all-purpose or bread flour when making yeast breads.  Whole wheat flour is equivalent to British whole meal flour.
Source : https://whatscookingamerica.net/Bread/FlourTypes.htm
Today i returned to the kitchen to practice the menu ala carte, but today the restaurant is not open, so today we clean the kitchen because many flies in kitchen. After that we are finished all dish. And then we are eat all food from semester 1 to semester 5.

The dish i made today is Potato Gnocchi with Tomato sauce, the first i make tomato sauce, after that i make steam rice. that's just the activity of today.

Pizza Shovel / Pizza Paddel

Pizza paddle is A large, almost oval-shaped wooden or metal contoured sheet, which is used to hold a pizza when placing it into and removing it from an oven. Tapered around the edges, this utensil enables pizzas and breads to easily slide off onto a baking sheet or pizza stone when they are being prepared for baking as well as allowing ease of scooping onto the paddle when being removed. Generally, cornmeal is sprinkled onto the surface of the paddle to improve the ease of sliding the pizza off the surface and onto a baking stone. Pizza paddles are also called baker's peels or pizza peels.

Pizza Pans

Pizza pan is A metal pan used for baking pizza. It's usually a round metal sheet with a raised rim, the height of which depends on the thickness of the crust, i.e. shallow for thin crust pizzas and higher for deep dish pizzas.
Regular (Coupe) Pizza Pans

Our coupe pizza pans are made out of aluminum or hard coat anodized aluminum for extra durability and can be used in any commercial oven.

1. Deep Dish Pizza Pans
Deep dish pizza pans are available in aluminum, non-stick, and tin-plated stainless steel designs which are all suitable for use in commercial ovens. 

2. Square Deep Dish Pizza Pans

 Most of our square pizza pans are made of heavy weight aluminum, making them great for everyday use in commercial ovens. 

3. Pizza Screens and Disks

With their mesh-like construction, a pizza screen helps your pizzas bake faster. Pizza screens are most popular for use in conveyor pizza ovens. 

4. Pizza Stones

Great for specialty restaurant use, a pizza stone is another tool that can be used to bake a delicious pizza. If you do not have a pizza oven in your kitchen, pizza stones can be used to bake pizza in a standard oven. Pizza stones are generally much thicker than pizza pans and screens and are made from either ceramic or Cordierite. 

5. Cast Iron Pizza Pans

Cast iron pizza pans are versatile. They can go on the grill, in the oven, under the broiler, or even on the stovetop. The lip on the pan provides structure for the edges of your crust, and most come pre-seasoned. 

6. Pizza CAR Pans

Pizza CAR pans have a sharp top edge, so you can place rolled or sheeted pizza dough over the top and use a rolling pin or pie roller to cut off the excess dough. CAR pans are also available with perforations and nibs, allowing the bottom of the crust to cook quickly and become crispy. These pans can be used in any commercial oven. 

7. Wide Rim Pizza Pans

Most often used for service and presentation, the extra room around the edge of the pan makes the pizza easier to slice and handle when served to your customers. Most wide rim pans are not intended for oven use. 

8. Disposable Pizza Pans

Disposable pizza pans are great for promoting pizza-to-go. These pizza pans can be used during prep and cooking. Since they are designed for one-time use, disposable pans will help cut down on your cleanup time. Disposable pans are available in aluminum, plastic, and paperboard. Many disposable pizza pans are oven safe for one hour up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Pizza Cutter

A curved or circular cutting blade with a handle that serves as a cutting tool to cleanly slice pizza, lasagna, flatbread crusts, brownies, and other similar foods into smaller pieces. This kitchen utensil is typically made of stainless steel but there are also composite materials used to make the Pizza Cutters as well. The most common forms of the Pizza Cutters are either the curved Cutter or the wheeled Cutter. Both are designed to slice through the food with only minimal damage to the toppings or top layer. The curved blade variety of Cutter can also be used to chop and dice a variety of different foods such as vegetables. After foods have been cut into smaller pieces, the curved Cutter can also serve as a food scoop to gather and transfer the bits of cut food into a bowl or to another preparation surface.

There are two main types of pizza cutters. The most common uses a wheel that rotates in a circle while a person moves the cutter in a direction that they would like to cut the pizza. The other type is a large curved knife called a mezzaluna (Italian for "half moon"), which is rocked back and forth to cut the pizza. These two types of pizza cutters come in many different sizes. Many people might use the wheel pizza cutter for other things, including craft work. Some types of mezzalunas (particularly the double-bladed type) are often used to mince herbs or chop vegetables.

This morning I back to the kitchen. Today I practice ala carte menu, and I handle maincourse. especially potato gnocchi with tomato sauce, but today there is no order for this menu, so I returned to help to handle nasi campur.

And then, semester one entered to main kitchen to stadied about all method of cooking and to help we are finished the dish.

When restaurant open at 12.00 am, i am with my friends start to grill sate lilit and mix jukut urab.

And when there is an order,  I am plating nasi campur.

And the semester  one also helps deliver the dish to a aboaye (restaurant).

I also helped plating great for sharing that is Deep-frying Calamari With Spicy Tomato Sauce and Aioli.

Chef Knife

A chef's knife generally has a blade eight inches (20 centimeters) in length and 1 1⁄2 inches (3.8 cm) in width, although individual models range from 6 to 14 inches (15 to 36 centimetres) in length. There are two common types of blade shape in western chef's knives, French and German. German-style knives are more deeply and continuously curved along the whole cutting edge; the French style has an edge that is straighter until the end and then curves up to the tip. Neither style is inherently superior; personal preference will dictate the choice.

A Japanese gyuto (牛刀 ぎゅうとう) gyūtō), literally meaning 'beef knife', is the Japanese version of a French (aka Western) chef's knife.

The Santoku Knife is basically a Japanese style chef's knife. It's smaller lighter sharper with a different blade shape.

The Chinese chef's knife is completely different and resembles a cleaver.

A modern chef's knife is a multi-purpose knife designed to perform well at many differing kitchen tasks, rather than excelling at any one in particular. It can be used for mincing, slicing, and chopping vegetables, slicing meat, and disjointing large cuts.

Chef knife can washed with soap and rinsed with clean water.

Boning Knife

A boning knife is a type of kitchen knife with a sharp point and a narrow blade. It is used in food preparation for removing the bones of poultry, meat, and fish. Generally 12 cm to 17 cm (5 to 6 ½ in) in length (although many brands, such as Samoan Cutlery, have been known to extend up to 9 ½ inches), it features a very narrow blade. Boning knives are not as "thick" as some of other popular kitchen or butcher knives, as this makes precision boning, especially in deep cuts and holes, much less difficult. A stiff boning knife is good for boning beef and pork, but a very flexible boning knife is preferred for poultry and fish. You can washed with soap and rinsed with clean water.

Slicing Knife 

A knife used to cut slices of cooked or smoked meat, poultry and fish. The blade on a Slicing knife is long (typically 8 to 12 inches in length), thin, and constructed with either a round or pointed tip. Depending on the manufacturer, the blade may be flexible or rigid, depending on the texture of the food being sliced. Flexible blades are made for firmer fleshed items, such as dry sausages or prosciutto, while rigid blades are made for fleshed items with a more moist texture, such as baked hams.

Knives used for carving and slicing as well, may be made as electric knives that use two blades to accomplish various cutting tasks. The electric knife contains two very sharp, thin blades that move independently in a back and forth motion to slice or carve through many different types of meats. Most often the best choice when there are a variety of textures being sliced, electric knives are versatile at cutting soft vegetables such as tomatoes as well as a variety of meats from fish to beef.

Hello, today I practice with the same menu as yesterday. That is Ala Carte Menus. My group handle the main course, and i am alone handle Nasi Campur.

Nasi Campur consists of Steam rice, jukut urab, rendang, sate lilit and Acar. Today I just make jukut urab and steam rice, because the other menu has been made yesterday.

Today I make steam rice as much 2,5 kg. After steam rice finished. Next i blanced all vegetable for jukut urab, like corn kernerland fern tips. 

While waiting for the restaurant open, i help my friend to finished others menu. when 12.00am restaurant open, I started grilled sate lilit and mixed jukut urab with fried chilli dressing and pan roasted coconut greater. Then when there is an order for nasi campur, i plating using underliner banana leaves. with 100 gr of steam rice portion.

And then after Nasi Campur sold out. I also handle potato gnocchi with tomato sauce with my friend.

Butcher Knife

A butcher knife or butcher's knife is a knife designed and used primarily for the butchering or dressing of animal carcases. specialty knife used when cutting meats because of its thicker broad blade, it's made of stainless steel or iron, you can washed with soap and rinsed with clean water.

Source : https://quizlet.com/27228425/basic-kitchen-equipment-utensils-flash-cards/

Paring Knife

Traditionally, this utensil is a small knife with a straight, sharp blade that is generally three to five inches long and rounded on the cutting side. It is easy to handle and works well for peeling and coring foods or mincing and cutting small items. Working with small bits of food or small ingredients, such as shallots, garlic or fresh herbs can easily be accomplished with this knife.

Another type of paring knife known as a "bird's beak" or a "tournée" knife is also available that is used for many of the same tasks as the traditional paring knife. The bird's beak knife has a shorter blade, typically 2 to 3 inches in length, that is curved upward on both the cutting edge and the top edge. It is a knife that is commonly used to make a tournée cut in vegetables such as carrots, potatoes or sqaush. This cut is also referred to as a tourne or tourné cut.

A serrated blade has a cutting edge. By having less contact area than a smooth blade, the applied pressure at each point of contact is relatively greater and the points of contact are at a sharper angle to the material being cut. This causes a cutting action that involves many small splits in the surface of the material being cut, which cumulatively serve to cut the material along the line of the blade. knife that has a carved or hollowed out blade edge for use in cutting foods that are firm on the outside yet soft inside

Cuts made with a serrated blade are typically less smooth and precise than cuts made with a smooth blade. Serrated blades can be more difficult to sharpen using a whetstone or rotary sharpener than a non-serrated, however, they can be easily sharpened with a diamond. Serrated blades tend to stay sharper longer than a similar straight edged blade. A serrated blade has a faster cut but a plain edge has a cleaner cut. Some prefer a serrated blade on a pocket knife

Hi guys, today i am back to practice week. This week we practice the menu ala carte 2. But today we were only eight people into the kitchen. 

Furthermore, I am with my friend handling all maincourse and soup. 



So we made the first brown stock for soup. after that I prepare to make Sate Lilit Ikan. 

While my friend prepare to make rendang. 

After sate lilit ikan is finished, The next i make Acar and fried chili dressing for Jukut Urab. 

After that  i make potato gnocchi with tomato sauce. 

And the last i make potato cowder soup. 

What’s In A Name?

As with many delicacies, many stories and traditions have grown up around the scallop.  You may have heard the term “Coquille de St. Jacques.”  While this names a classic scallop preparation, it also translates to “St. James’ shell.”  St. James the Greater was a disciple of Jesus and is the Patron Saint of Spain.  Pilgrims traveling to his shrine carried a scallop shell with them to signify that they were making a pilgrimage.  At stops along the way on his pilgrimage, the pilgrim was offered what food he could scoop up in his shell.

The scallop shell is symmetrical and quite beautiful, and as such is often found in motifs both decorative and religious.  At some time, the scallop shell was linked with fertility, and it often shows up in classical art along with images of beautiful and desirable women.  A notable example of this is Boticelli’s The Birth Of Venus.

What Are Scallops Really?

It is nice to know a little history of the scallop as a symbol of pilgrimage and fertility, but what are they?  Scallops are bivalve mollusks.  This means that they have two shells.  Although the reproductive organs, or roe, are edible, the part of the scallop that most people in the United States eat is the adductor muscle that opens and closes the shell.

Some people refer to this muscle as “the nut.”  Unlike other mollusks that we eat, such as mussels and oysters, most species of scallops are free-swimming and can propel themselves across the sea floor several feet at a time by rapidly opening and closing their shells.

Types of Scallops

There are three kinds of scallops that are consumed in the United States””sea scallops, bay scallops and calico scallops.
  • Sea scallops are relatively large, often as many as 1½”-2″ in diameter, and are often presented in beautifully seared platings of two or three.
  • Bay scallops are much smaller, although some aficionados find them to be sweeter than sea scallops.  Because of their small size, bay scallops are not the ideal scallop for searing but are wonderful in stir-fries and even cooked as scampi to be served as a light pasta sauce.
  • Calico scallops are harvested off of the US Gulf and Southern Atlantic coasts.  Unlike sea and bay scallops, their shells are tightly closed, and they must be steamed open before further preparation.  Although similar in shape, size and color to bay scallops, they are less sweet than their Northern cousins.

Characteristics of Scallops

Speaking of shape, size and color, the adductor muscle itself can range in color from pale ivory to beige.  Raw scallops are somewhat translucent and are generally round.  Large sea scallops might be up to an inch thick and up to 2″ in diameter, while bay and calico scallops, while shaped the same, are much smaller.

Moules / Mussels

Mussel is the common name used for members of several families of bivalve molluscs, from saltwater and freshwater habitats. These groups have in common a shell whose outline is elongated and asymmetrical compared with other edible clams, which are often more or less rounded or oval.

The word "mussel" is most frequently used to mean the edible bivalves of the marine family Mytilidae, most of which live on exposed shores in the intertidal zone, attached by means of their strong byssal threads ("beard") to a firm substrate. A few species (in the genus Bathymodiolus) have colonised hydrothermal vents associated with deep ocean ridges.

In most marine mussels the shell is longer than it is wide, being wedge-shaped or asymmetrical. The external colour of the shell is often dark blue, blackish, or brown, while the interior is silvery and somewhat nacreous.
The common name "mussel" is also used for many freshwater bivalves, including the freshwater pearl mussels. Freshwater mussel species inhabit lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks, canals, and they are classified in a different subclass of bivalves, despite some very superficial similarities in appearance.

Freshwater zebra mussels and their relatives in the family Dreissenidae are not related to previously mentioned groups, even though they resemble many Mytilus species in shape, and live attached to rocks and other hard surfaces in a similar manner, using a byssus. They are classified with the Heterodonta, the taxonomic group which includes most of the bivalves commonly referred to as "clams".


What Is an Anchovy?

An anchovy is a small oily fish that is abundant in the Pacific.2 Anchovies usually travel in schools, making it easier for fishermen to catch large amounts of their population. However, this has led to numerous manufacturers to overfish, eventually endangering the stability of its population around the world. This pushed numerous countries to establish strict fishing regulations to limit anchovy fishing.

Anchovies have been part of the culinary world for centuries, having been used by the Roman civilization in making “garum,” a type of fermented fish made up of anchovies, brine, fish innards and aromatic fresh herbs. This was usually used as a condiment or as an addition to different dishes and meals.4 Anchovies were also eaten raw so as to trigger an aphrodisiac effect.

Nowadays, anchovies are available fresh, preserved in glass jars or tin cans, or dried. Because of their pungent fishy smell, people often turn their noses and refuse to even try anchovies. But together with their refusal to eat this fish, they’re refusing healthy amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and many more nutrients necessary for the body to function as well.

By knowing how to prepare this fish the correct way, you’ll be able to appreciate its flavor and acquire a plethora of impressive health benefits.

What Are the Health Benefits That Anchovies Have to Offer?

Even though anchovies are small and usually incorporated in recipes to only boost the flavor, they actually contain high amounts of minerals and nutrients. Even adding a small serving of anchovies to a dish can lift its nutritional content. Here are some of the health benefits you can get from these small fishes.

Minimizes the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Anchovies have high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, healthy unsaturated fats that help in preventing inflammation and cardiovascular diseases. In addition to this, they have good amounts of calcium and magnesium, essential minerals that regulate blood pressure and circulation. Their niacin content also contributes to the lowering of cholesterol and triglycerides.

Promotes skeletal health. This type of fish contains calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which help the body maintain and improve bone health and bone growth.

Assists in tissue and cell repair. Anchovies are abundant in protein that is needed for cell metabolism and tissue repair. This helps in triggering a healing effect in the body, especially when there’s damage or injury present.

Aids in weight loss. Anchovies are low in calories and high in protein. The high amounts of protein helps in triggering a body response that makes you feel full, while also limiting your calorie intake.