Hallo, Today in the morning I back to campus, I am join in steward team. We are washed all tools after used from BDI Students. 

I just want share about How to Clean Kitchen Tools, From other Web
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Remove Scale or Hard-Water Film
Limescale manifests it self as chalky surface deposits. It inhibits heat conductivity, and clogs whistles of tea kettles, tubes in electric kettles and coffee makers, and hardens and clogs other parts that may need to move, such as important safety features like pressure release valves.
It is common in hard water, and to the degree of abundancy in naturally occurring calcium and magnesium. It is not common in softened water unless the softening system is not being properly maintained.
Frequency of de-scaling depends on frequency of use and degree of water hardness. Check regularly for surface deposits.
Tea/Water Kettles:
Add ½ cup of white vinegar to each quart of water and boil the mixture in the kettle for about 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.

AutoDrip and other Electric Coffeemakers:
Add about a tablespoon of white vinegar to a pot of water and let it run through its cycle (without a filter in place).
Repeat at least once.
Then use clean, cold water for two or more cycles, until the taste of vinegar is gone.

Other Vessels like Moka’s:
Follow manufacturer instructions. When appropriate, use a proportionate amount of the above formulas to suit the capacity of your vessel.

Clean Copper or Brass:
Mix a bit of vinegar, a bit of salt and a bit of flour to make a paste. Rub well, then rinse.
Sanitize Utensils:
First wash utensils with hot sudsy clean water. Rinse thoroughly with clear water.
Mix a sanitizing solution consisting of ¼ cup of chlorine bleach per gallon of potable water. Bleach should contain a minimum of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite.
To disinfect, soak utensils completely in this solution for at least 1 minute. Then allow to air dry.
Do not let metal pots, pans and other utensils sit in bleach for much longer, or they will discolor from the chemical reaction. And do not mix bleach with other cleaners.
If potable water is not available, disinfect it by bring it to a rolling boil and keeping it there for at least 1 minute (3 minutes in high altitudes).
If using a dishwasher which first needs to be sanitized, run the empty dishwasher through the wash-rinse-sanitize cycle three times to flush the water lines and assure that the dishwasher is cleaned and sanitized internally before washing equipment and utensils in it.
Note: Porous utensils, such as wood, plastic, terracotta, etc., that may have soaked in contaminants should not be sanitized or re-used. When in doubt, throw them out.


Routine cleaning… Wash it well with soapy warm water, rinse thoroughly, and towel dry. We recommend washing by hand (to avoid spotting).
To avoid water marks… Thoroughly rinse your washed utensil with clear water, and towel dry (or blow dry).
Tanning stains in tea pots… Soak a hot solution of washing soda (sodium bicarbonate).
Coffee stains in percolators and coffee urns… Soak in a hot solution of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).
Whitish or chalkish deposits inside pan… Remove calcium deposits by boiling water with some white vinegar, allowing your pan to cool, then washing it with warm, soapy water. Help prevent white spots and pitting by adding salt to your cookware only after the water has reached a boil.
Burnt food is stuck in pan… Soak in hot water with soap detergent or diluted (1%) ammonia cleaner, then scour with a non-abrasive brush, pad or cloth. For stubborn sticking, cover the stuck foodstuffs with hot water and soap detergent, allow to soak for some time, then boil for 10 minutes, allow it to cool, then use a soft cloth or a nylon scourer and warm, soapy water. Rinse thoroughly.
Still not clean out of the dishwasher… You might select a pre-wash cycle if your pan’s instructions indicate it is safe to clean in the dishwasher.
Spills or overflows… Wash or clean the exterior before placing it again over heat.
Filled pan left to cool on stove and lid won’t come off…Warm the pan, then twist the lid to remove it.
Left empty on heated surface… Allow it to cool slowly; do not immerse it in cold water.
Stainless pan was left on heated surface, liquid has dried and yellow or blue streaks appear… On polished stainless, use a metal cleaner, such as Wenol or Red Bear, with a soft cloth. On satin stainless, use a nylon scourer, such as Scotch-Brite.
Scratches on surface after washing repeatedly… Avoid metal utensils, and change your scouring product to a gentler kind, such as Bon Ami.
Cleaners not recommended for stainless surfaces…Bleach or ammonia should not be used on stainless steel.

Furthermore, I help Senior to make Jalangkote in pastry Section, I just Learned to make it, Because that's the first time I make it. So, i get many science about Jalangkote Today.

Jalangkote is a fried pastry filled with vegetables, minced beef and slices of boiled egg. Eat with watery chili sauce. Jalangkote also called Pastel at some places like Jakarta, Bandung.

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