This morning I am following chinese class, this time I handle saction soup with my friends, Anggi and Anthonius,menus of soup today is chinese cream soup, this is the first time I learned about chinese food. we have guest lecturer from Toarco Toraja Coffee. we got a lot of knowledge about chinese food from him. Chinese food looks simple but so difficult to make it.

We have recipe to make Chinese Cream Soup, so i want to share with you.

Ingredients :
4000 ml Chicken Stock
300 gr Shrimp
360 gr Scallops
600 gr Fillet Fish
1 pcs Onion (cut into strip)
5 pcs Galic (chopped)
3 pcs Leek (cut into strip)
1 can Mushroom
500 ml Cooking cream
As needed MSG
As needed Salt
As needed Chicken Powder
As needed Sesame Oil

Prosedure :
  1. Make Chicken stock as much 4000 ml
  2. Blanced Shrimp, Scallops and fillet fish
  3. Boil Chicken stock and add Onion, chopped garlic and leek
  4. Put Shrimp, scallops and fillet fish
  5. add cooking cream and season with MSG, salt, Chicken powder
  6. and the last, add sesame oil as needed

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