Today I returned to the kitchen with Ala Carte 1 menus, my group got handle dessert menus. The dessert menu these days consists of Bubuh Injin, Rice pudding, Sachertorte.p

I am today handle Sachertorte, the ingredients and procedure to make Sachertorte consist of :

The first make Sacher cake, the ingredient are :

135 gr Butter Softened
110 gr Fine granulated sugar
120 gr Egg yolk
180 gr Egg whites
60 gr Fine granulated sugar
40 gr Soft flour
40 gr Cocoa Powder
55 gr Almond (grind)

Step to make it :
  1. Cream the butter and sugar, add the egg yolks as in the basic creaming method.
  2. Whip the egg whites and sugar to a stiff meringue
  3. Sift together the flour and cocoa powder, mix in the almonds.
  4. Fold the maringue and dry ingredient alternately into the butter mixture, starting and ending with the meringue
  5. Butter pans, line bottom with parchment and dust with flour.
  6. Baking on the oven with temperature 325OF (160OC), 35-45 minutes, depending on size.
The Second make chocolate ganache, the ingredient are :

600 gr Heavy Cream
Pinch Vanilla powder
600 gr Dark Chocolate
100 gr Butter (softened)

Step to make it :
  1. Bring the cream and vanilla powder to a boil
  2. Chop the chocolate
  3. Pour the hot cream over the chocolat. stir until the chocolate is melted
  4. when the mixture has cooled to  95OF (35OC), Stir in the butter. use the ganache at once.
The Third, make chocolate glacage or Sacher Glaze, the ingredients are :

150 gr Heavy Cream
150 gr Dark Chocolate (chopped)
50 gr Butter

Step to make it :
  1. Prepare a ganache with the cream and chocolate : heat the cream to boiling and pour over the finely chopped chocolate. stir until the chocolate is melthed and the mixture is uniformly blended.
  2. Add the butter and stir to mix in. Use as soon as possible.
After that finishing the Sachertorte, the ingredients are :

1 loaves Baked sachertorte
As needed Rum
As needed Apricot or other Jam
As needed Ganache
As needed Chocolate Glacege
As needed Grated dark Chocolate

Step to finished it :
  1. Trim the cake, if necessary into two layers, moisten both layers with kirsch syrup.
  2. Sandwich the layers together with a layer of apricot jam. Mask the top and sides of the cake with ganache.
  3. Spreading it perfectly smooth.
  4. Chill the cake until the ganache is firm.
  5. Place the cake on a wire rack on the tray. ice the cake by pouring warm chocolate glacage over it. Run a palette knife over the top and tap the tray to make the icing smooth. chill until set.
  6. Remove from the wire rack, neaten the bottom edge with a knife, and place on a cake board.
  7. Using additional ganache, pipe the word sacher across the middle of the cake, coat the bottom of the sides with grated chocolate.
And than i make Chanti Cream for garnish, ingredients to make it :

1 ltr Cooking cream
80 gr Sugar
20 gr milk full cream

Step to make it :

  1. Mix sugar with milk full cream until smooth
  2. Add cooking cream and mix well until soft.

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