Hello, welcome back my blog, this time I want to tell about my activities on the job training. I’m still in pastry section.

During these two weeks, I get morning shift for one week and afternoon shift for one week. in the morning I always handle breakfast, as pan cake, waffle, bread butter pudding, jajanan pasar, and fresh milk, I make pancake and waffle and I revil bread butter pudding, jajanan pasar, and fresh milk.

After breakfast done, I continue to prepare for breakfast tomorrow, like make waffle and pancake dough.

After that, I help my supervisors set up for coffee break and lunch or help my chef the party to make some cake for cake shop.

And than, when I get afternoon shift, I only make a product for the menus tomorrow, for event, like coffee break menus, lunch, dinner and other product for tomorrow. Besides that, I’m too  handle ala carte when any order dissert and pizza.

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